Kickball in the City

Monday, February 26, 2007

Back for Realsies

Ok, I know that I said I would be back and writing steadily around Christmas, but now I really am. And boy have I heard a lot of things over the last few months that will make for some great posts. And so, I begin.

It seems that kickball is not the only thing that the Kash guys of WAKA are exporting to the Left Coast. There is something of a kickball rebellion brewing there because, as the Kash guys influence there increases, many players become disenchanted with the horrible business practices that have taken place here in DC. Notably, according to the Awesome Helicopter Ninjas - one of the LC's premier WAKA teams, because of problems at the bar.
I received an email from one of the Ninja's informing me of some less than happy response from his WAKA rep when he dared to complain about the prices increasing at his sponsor bar again. You can read the whole exchange here, but I'll boil it down for you. An AHN mentioned that part of the reason for the raising of prices at the bar and the bar's less than great treatment of the players was due to the fact that the bar has to pay the Kash guys to get the sponsorship. The WAKA rep responded that he was wrong and that it was none of his business. The Ninja player then asked me if I had any info that may help. As always, I did.

The Kash guys, spreading their brand of unhappiness there too

The treatment of players at most sponsor bars, at least here, must have a lot to do with the money the bar pays the Kash guys. The reason I say that is because normally, if someone was promising 100-200 people to a bar on a Wednesday night - when the bar would otherwise be a ghost town - the owner and staff would be grateful. Especially if you could promise that many people for 8 or 9 weeks per season. But with these sponsor bars, especially the longer a division goes there, it seems that there is less appreciation for this steady stream of thirsty customers. Must be the money.

In DC the Kash guys charge something like $7.25 (this number comes from a WAKA rep) per player to sponsor bars. For a full division that comes out to $3016. Out of that, WAKA reps get a cut, the rest easily covers tee shirt costs. The bars get the aforementioned drunken kickballers, and frankly we are a pretty easy bunch to take care of. It's mostly just beer and food. But, we like to get it in a timely manner and there are a lot of us ordering at once. And the staff wants large tabs so they can get large tips, but we want separate tabs. And there is a lot to clean up when we leave. And we really don't go to the sponsor bar much when it's not a kickball night, and we don't really want to have parties where we drink every week. BUT, the bar does make a lot of money even minus the $3K or so they have to pay.

It's all about the Benjamins, baby

Most people feel compelled to go to the bar on the back of their shirt, so really the bar has guaranteed patronage. So they raise prices to make up for the money they paid the Kash guys. After awhile, they put the new staff on to handle the kickballers, so service goes down. If players complain they are met with "It's none of your business" statements (as the Hollywood rep posted on the message board) and things rarely improve. Players feel like they are pretty powerless and stuck with the bar. But it's not so.

According to the bylaws of divisions, they are independent entities of WAKA. So a non-board member could go talk to a bar and negotiate a better deal, not take any money, and convince players to go there. At the very least, players can drink at any bar they choose to - and if you roll up with 100 others, they will let you play flip cup. The bottom line is, it IS your business and you do have alternatives.

The treatment that players receive is DIRECTLY related to the bars being charged for their patronage. In my WAKA and DC Kickball experiences the staff has been slow, surly, and unhappy to have us there - they both charge bars. In NAKID's bar, there is certainly a different feel. While service for food can be slow, I never feel like they are annoyed that we are there - and I can always get a separate tab. Plus, occasionally they play scrimmages against us and supply the beer afterward! That has to be about the relationship the bar has with the organization.

As always, the Kash guys and their reps will be defensive when asked about money. That means you're on the right track. But for you left coasters maybe it's time for some good ol' 60s protests to get your sponsor bar to treat you right. Just leave the patchouli at home.

I smell a protest!!


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