Kickball in the City

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Of regionals and rain

A few things to blog about today for Kickball Homer (yes, I know third personspeak is annoying but if Bob Dole could do it...), the WAKA regionals and what the Hell is up with Mother Nature (MN)? Plus, it looks like the kickball harmony dream is dying.

First, the regionals: Sideshow Bob reports from the regionals that games were held to a very strict 45 minute time limit, which is understandable considering the number of games to be played and the amount of time WAKA probably had the fields for... but. From a WAKA player:

Regionals were...Interesting to say the least. There were some really really good teams there, but the rules were a little rough. They kept a very very strict 45 minutes/game rule so even when there was no game scheduled for a field, they called a lot of them at 4 innings (one of ours at 4.5 innings so we didn't get last ups WTF). They also didn't allow overtime so some teams went home due to a Rock Paper Scissors loss.Of the 15 teams there, 14 were DC area and one was Richmond. I hope they realize this and move it back down to DC next year so teams aren't excluded.

WTF indeed! For those of you unaware, that means they called a game during an inning, meaning the home team did not get last ups! That is insane! Also, enough already with the rock, paper, scissors WAKA - no one wants to play for 5 innings to tie and then have games settled by that - no one. As one WAKA President put it on his message board, WAKA screwed this up EVERY step of the way - and this is the only thing that separates it from the smaller leagues. So much for the world's biggest kickball playoffs, seems like more of the world's biggest kickball goof.

Next, to this damn rain - we get it MN, you are all powerful, now knock it off! My NAKID games got cancelled and yesterday for the SECOND time this season the teams playing in my DC Kickball division got free beer as a bribe to go to the bar, while I get no free beer! This seems very unfair. I understand wanting people to come to the bar, but bribing them, with my money, while I get nothing makes me sad. Yes, I could have gone to the bar last night, but that's not the point. How about giving the bar tab on a night when people WILL be at the bar (as I've mentioned the DCK turnout is usually low enough that $250 would go a long way)? That seems like it would be better. Plus, wtf is with the Tom Tom music? Last week they had some weird techno-something or other crap in there that led everyone to head over to Millie and Al's for $1 beers and jello shots by 9pm. Of course, not that the DCK leadership would know this as no one in charge is ever there on Wednesdays!

Lastly, the WAKA division I was relying on backed out citing "needing a rest and burnout". Hello, this is KICKBALL not test taking. Who needs a rest from kicking a ball for an hour and drinking for 5? More on this later as I think there was some behind the scenes drama regarding this... I will contact a few more WAKA divisions and then give up on them, as I figured they are not coming to the table - maybe they don't want harmony after all. Thanks to the several emails and comments though from readers, I know most of us do so I will keep trying.


  • There's a pretty heavy discussion taking place at regarding the RPS ending of an important game between Team Gonzo (VA) and Tailgators (DC).

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:11 PM  

  • And I can bet you if you made your request known on the boards you'd get a LOT of WAKA folks interested in your pick-up game.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:34 PM  

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